Shasta Head Start offers infant, toddler, and preschool services free of charge to eligible children and families. Eligibility is based on:
- Income
- Shasta Head Start serves children and families in poverty. Federal poverty guidelines can be found here: HHS Poverty Guidelines.
- Foster and McKinney-Vento
- Foster children and families currently experiencing homelessness qualify for our program. Link to McKinney-Vento explanation can be found here:
Available Programs
Shasta Head Start offers a variety of services based on child age and program options. We have many center locations in the northstate. Find a center near you here.
Pregnant Mothers
- Prenatal services to pregnant mothers as a home-visiting option
Children age 0-3
- Center-based part-day services
- Center-based full-day services
- Home-visiting
- Family child care in a home setting
Children age 3-5
- Center-based part-day services
- Center-based full-day services
An interested family should:
- Request an appointment
- Receive a call from our enrollment team to set up the appointment and figure out what paperwork the family should provide at the appointment.
- At the appointment, the enrollment team will determine if a family is eligible.
- If the family is eligible, they are placed on our waitlist. The waitlist is based on eligibility, meaning families who have the most need for our program move to the top of our list. We do not serve families on a first come/first serve basis. If a family is over-income, they can still choose to be added to our waitlist.
- If an opening for services happens, Shasta Head Start will contact a family from the waitlist to offer them a placement.
Want to find out if your family is eligible?